The total distance from Antigua to Baker’s Bay in the Abacos is 1050Nm with a course that will bring us between Puerto Rico and the
17 40’ N
63 12’ W
1830 LT
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The total distance from Antigua to Baker’s Bay in the Abacos is 1050Nm with a course that will bring us between Puerto Rico and the
17 40’ N
63 12’ W
1830 LT
All posting times on blog entries are GMT.
While on passages (or anywhere we don't have great 'Net connectivity) we will not be picking up regular email. You can always send us a message through the contact page, but we may not read it nor respond until the next time we're in port!
...Wild Tigris is going around the world in the 2010 World ARC rally.
We departed St. Lucia on 6 January 2010, and are scheduled to return in March, 2011.
We'll post updates here as often as possible.
unique visits since 2010-02-17