Hello all. Sean here at the end of a 0600-0900 watch….happily escaping the grey and wet that is outside. We departed yet another paradise island at 1130 on mon 27th and are taking our weather router’s advice in heading SSW to 15degS. The plan is to skirt around the S of a developing low and then hopefully turn W and have established trades all the way to the barn (Mauritius). With both Gib’s poled out, we’re making about 8.5kts, rocking and rolling! The total length of this leg is over 2200Nm and assuming steady trades, we hope to complete it in 12days. The fish count has been embarrassingly low; one reasons for this is our newest crew member, affectionately known as ‘Grumps’, has teamed up with Casey and have initiated a new catch and release policy. I am still trying to explain that after trawling a fish at 8kts for 10mins, no matter how good your intentions, you are basically releasing shark food!
Until tomorrow
13deg 40’ S
94deg 35’ E
0300 UTC