I say almost, in that upon waking up on my cabin wall at 3a.m, I hurried up on deck to find Sofia well and truly in America's Cup mode, sailing in one of the heavier gusts at 40 degrees of heel and grinning proudly as we careered through the choppy swell!
Thankfully, my second wakening for 8a.m watch and the rest of the day for that matter has been much less dramatic. Joel donned an apron and went to work in the galley, creating a wonderful brunch of buckwheat pancakes and bacon; Heidi is well and truly engrossed in Steig Larson's Trilogy 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo', and Sofia is continuing her quest to master the Spanish language.
At the moment, we are sailing along nicely with full main, mizzen and head-sail in 10-14kts true breeze on the beam. We are making 8kts towards the Maraquesas and if we average 24hr runs like yesterdays one of 193Nm, we should arrive in less than two weeks.
SMC "The flogging will continue EVEN IF morale improves!"
4deg 00min S 96deg 24mins W 1750 Local Time